Saturday, February 16, 2013

Dear Blog; A Letter to Writing; The Apology Post

Dear blog and anyone reading it,

I realize I’ve been pretty flaky in the past month about writing and I’m sorry, truly. I guess I fell into a slump of sorts- a slump of uninspired boredom, fear, and laziness. It seems that every New Year’s, resolutions get me pumped up but then comes the challenge of riding on that momentum and I end up losing steam and cascading down. Perhaps it’s the perfectionist in me freezing up in fear of not being able to keep up and follow through with my own promises to myself. Perhaps it’s the daunting number of months and days ahead- how do I live every single one to the fullest? Sometimes, I just want to sit around and do nothing aka watch all 3 seasons of  “Community” before season 4 starts while eating pretzel sticks with almond butter and jam in my bed. Perhaps I just needed to take a little hiatus from writing to really appreciate and miss it. In my month-long writer’s block, I discovered that without writing, it’s harder for me to be eloquent and/or witty in communicating my thoughts verbally. It’s also more difficult to handle my emotions. It wasn’t until I stopped writing that I realized how valuable of a creative and emotional outlet writing is to me. I took you for granted, blog, but I won’t let it happen again… at least I’ll try, really I will.

So, I’ll leave you with this quote from my Jane-A-Day 5 Year Journal gifted to me by one of my life idols, Auntie Terry:

“Oh! Write, write. Finish it at once. Let there be an end of this suspense. Fix, commit, condemn yourself.”
-Jane Austen, Mansfield Park

            Love Always,